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colorgugu lee_goldson leebait rent_free subvariant:boogu tranny variant:agugu variant:feraljak


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Tagscolorgugu, lee_goldson, leebait, rent_free, subvariant:boogu, tranny, variant:agugu, variant:feraljak
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Anonymous1: You are so obsessed with me.
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Zaryan33: >you are so obsessed with me o algo
I'm having fun jakking, and you are the perfect specimen to make fun of lol
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Anonymous2(1): @Zaryan33: Am I?

I'am only criticizing a small group of posters who try to force their brimstone on everyone else. Haven't you seen the recent agugu gif that caused a wave of permabans?

Agugu posters deserve to be jakked, not me.
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Zaryan33: Yes you are, you have said you were a tranny and when other posters made that claim you never denied it, this is a chud's space and you are a tranny, also the frequent seetheposts were really funny
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BWCSuprematist: >Haven't you seen the recent agugu gif that caused a wave of permabans?
agugu is truly an agent of chaos
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Zaryan33: You mean the mayagugu sucking binky sped up gif that one person made a sexual innuendo comment and got banned for it? Thanks for reminding me it hasn't been uploaded here yet so I just did
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Anonymous3(1): This is not the only wrong thing that aguguposters have done, just the worst one so far.

They also make constant age regression posts and self insert as Mymy but then call me a tranny.
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Zaryan33: >still not denying the allegations
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Untermenschsky: Go agugulee gooo
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: who are you I'm confused
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Anonymous5(1): @Anonymous: I'am the "tranny" that posted original agugu burning video on Soyzellig. And now everyone is obsessed with me just because I don't like a forced variant.
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Anonymous6: Evendoe xhe's right fellow chuddies, oh nonononononono I thought we were against forced memes