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Katezaryan: This shit is absolutely ass.. kill yoself ngl.
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Katezaryan: If this isn't cheeserjew then nevermind.. something bout his artstyles makes me wanna likee.. punch a raccoon.. or jerk off magic Johnson
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Anonymous1: Look at her, being enemies with random zellig artists for no reason! Now she needs to make slopjaks and hanging troonjak edits of her enemies like the obsessed child she is
Shut up already
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Anonymous2: @Katezaryan: you're, like, genuinely obsessed and that's not only disappointing but also disrespectful. Get a life.
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Anonymous3(2): @Anonymous: TSMT
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Katezaryan: Ughhh I am not reading allatt.. why r anons so annoyinggg
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Katezaryan: @Anonymous: nah I'm not his emeny.. I just find it funny.. anyways!! Tf is a slopjak or a troonjak.. English plz
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Katezaryan: AND no I'm not obsessed.. likeeee okay when I see his art I start tweaking.. but bro like I hated on it twice.. bcuz I got it on my feed and I see it here .. I still don't know if his art ngl but it's ugly.. my artstyle is ugly too but like it's like retard vs retarded man
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Katezaryan: ugh I mean if this art is his* nah brah I'm js a haterrr.. and I'm pretty sure he's a jew
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Anonymous4: Obsessedbabble above
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Katezaryan: oh my god anonā“. Read it and weep
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Anonymous5: Brap above
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Anonymous6: @Katezaryan: kate just fucking get off this website youre gonna become chris chan 2 if you keep up with this shit