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BWCSuprematist: barely iaz coal
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rusGOD: Coco is an obvious allegory for a first political theory - liberalism. Her shallow friend group consists of black Cleo, asiatic-looking Zoey and a constantly drugged Yfke. This represents forced multiculturalism headed by the dominant liberal state - America. Still though under a mask of forced smile there exist advanced structures of political repression and manipulation - best seen in the episode 5, where Coco forces Maya with the thread of killing her to apologize and be subservient to her. This is obvious analogy with the pressures of the hegemonic West onto the independent states of Iran, Russia and China.
Vera represents second political theory - communism. Her forced socialization programs can be seen as analogical with the ones enacted in the Soviet Union after the rise of Stalin. The moment when Vera hits Mymy with the bottle represents World War 2 and the defeat of fascism by the communist bloc. Her ultimate acceptance of presentation with an obvious fascistic undertones shows that communist countries were forced to integrate elements of the nationalism in order to survive in a world slowly taken over by liberalism.
Mymy shows an example of a third political theory - fascism. Her jingoistic outbursts are a clear example of her affiliation with this ideology. Mymy's need for conflict and glorification of violence as seen in her "schoolcaust" is another example of her following fascism. Mymy rejects rationalistic discourse characteristic of Coco and instead prefers more emotional approach, reflecting fascism's distain for liberalism. However all of her nationalistic outbursts are quickly contained by Coco, who then uses her to finish the presentation, which shows that Mymy is still under a spell of a liberal modernity.
Ultimately Maya is a duginist. She is seen struggling with modern expectations, such as socializing with similarly atomized peers and using technology for increased productivity in a kosher semitic-run school structure. And yet as shown in episode 1 Maya is forced to retreat into the world of fantasy, visible sign of the meaninglessness in the materialist post-liberal world. Her inherent desire for recouncilation and for a union with a fellow man is utterly crushed down by learned anxiety, as visible at the end of episode 6. Maya is rejected and isolated in a westernized world consisting of similarly weak and disorganized individuals.
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agugu: Mongolmuttnigger above me
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Untermenschsky: >Coco is an obvious allegory for a first political theory and blya
>evendoe you've ruined her country and helped kaffers kill her parents
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rusGOD: @Untermenschsky: >evendoe you've ruined her country and helped kaffers kill her parents
Your either obsessed or have a negative reading comprehension. As I said in text above Coco represtents liberalism which Dugin described as the first political theory. What does this have to do with the farm attacks?
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BWCSuprematist: obsessed ziggerbabble
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rusGOD: obsessed bwcbaiter
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Untermenschsky: @rusGOD: oh yeah I misread your point cuz nobody cares about your delusional copypastas russoswine
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Untermenschsky: @rusGOD: glory to BWC = Slava Ukraini btw
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rusGOD: @Untermenschsky: It wouldn't seem delusional if you read it, belarussisy.
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Untermenschsky: @Untermenschsky: sorry but we hail the White race here so your retardstone isn't supposed to be read
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BWCSuprematist: @rusGOD: Just imagine those Azov A10 warriors pushing deeply into Russia's fertile land. One decisive thrust in Kursk direction, piercing the thin membrane of Russian defenses.
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rusGOD: @BWCSuprematist: Will never happen award. Kursk offensive is a desperate attempt to regain initiative when Ukrainian resources are dwindling and front slowly progresses in favour of Russia.
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Untermenschsky: NATO-OTAN power = White Power
Slava Ukraini = White Pride Worldwide
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rusGOD: @Untermenschsky: Biggest cope ever. Your internationalist NATO clique that you shill so hard supports inter-ethnic mixxing that you hate so much and collapse of all cultures and ethnicities, including the West.
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Untermenschsky: ACHTUNG The srusich above wants to express his anti-white sentiment in this comment section but can't do it properly
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rusGOD: @Untermenschsky: Projecting. Only imperialism which ever existed in the west was jewish, and yes "anti-white" imperialism. NATO is part of it.