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Zaryan1488: Send Sjef to the Moon, rangereplace normies' neurons with images of Sjef, sell Foenkie to Sjef, buy Sjef approved drawing tablets, travel back in time to put Sjef into historical photos, make Sjef the main character, change every "Rens" tag to "Sjef", Total Sjef Win
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mario: cheeser youre so so keyed
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Anonymous1: @mario: Thanks, im honoured to hear that :]
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Zaryan1488: Yeah, I don't know what's up with some Zaryans (especially cordtrannies like Haller, geg rent free), you even made an entire banner
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Anonymous2: @Zaryan1488: yeah, idk. I was just bored and had a lot of time to create it
And yeah, sad that some Zaryans ain't posting their art on the zarty or booru anymore.
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Zaryan1488: Mostly it has to do with the fact that not everyone likes the anonymity! You have to be a very special kind of person to not care about number and updoots; while it is certainly encouraging, the real gems are made on the Zarty (and trickle down everywhere else, you can see it on YouTube, Instagram, etc). If someone wants the crumbs they'll post on social medias, if they want to showcase their passion and possibly make it big, they'll use the Zarty